2015 PPIHC Just-Us Racing from left to right, Joey Kasper, Sue Bauer, Ronin Motorworks Rider Travis Newbold, Adam Bauer, and Brandon Fosbinder.Adam Bauer & Carl Sorensen having some laughs before their first sighting run on Tuesday morning.Adam on his run up the mountain on race day.Adam on his run up the mountain on race day.Photo by Travis Tollett, lets you see how truly small we are on the mountain.Adam Bauer finishing his second Pikes Peak International Hill Climb on his Project Supertwin ER6 that he built. Finishing time was over 51 seconds faster than last year at 11:25.6!Adam Bauer having a moment at the top of Pikes Peak remembering his friend Hot Carl. For Carl!!!Pikes Peak is a race like no other, shortly after his run up the mountain the weather came in and it sleeted, hailed, and snowed a few inches… In JUNE!!! The organizers brought a snow plow up and plowed the road enough for us to head down the mountain. Adam is giving his thumbs up to the photographer very cautiously in freezing weather on stone cold race rubber, in the wet… Epic!
Thursday, June 25th 2015 was a Very Tough Day. Devil’s Playground was not kind to us that day, Carl Sorensen had an off in the upper section and did not make it. This was one of Carl’s last runs up the mountain that morning.Carlton John Sorensen is one of those people that you don’t meet very often if ever. Fierce competitor on a motorbike, will give you a straight zero shits given answer to any question you ask him, and an all around Great Guy. He is and always will be missed by many. Race In Paradise Friend. #RacePace #Forever217 #WolfBrigade